“Sing to the Wine”

Cante Ao Vinho is a family-owned winery and enjoys making wine in the old world style. The winery is owned and run by the Farinha Family near the old Camp Far West outpost along the Bear River. A variety of wines are made that include Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Italian grapes.

The name, Cante Ao Vinho, means “sing to the wine.” This family loves to play beautiful music while making wine, hence the name. Some say when you try the wine you can hear the music, and better yet, sometimes make some beautiful music of your own! And of course, they’ve been known to sing a little from time to time.

Frank and Tom started making wine when Tom turned 21. Guess who is younger. The grandparents always made wine being from Portugual, but their folks never did. When Frank turned 21 (not the older one) they went down to Lodi,bought a barrel, and had it filled with juice. They took it home and let it ferment. It was terrible, but they drank it because it was the best wine we had ever made, and hey, we were young!

Over the years we have learned a few things about making wine and about ourselves. Here we are 40 years later what we learned about ourselves is that we like all the parts of making wine and we love variety. To this day we are still learning, and the wine is still getting better. We will never stop learning, so it will always be interesting…just the way we like it!

We now grow our own grapes, and with some great friends, we do everything in-house. But the most important thing we learned is that we love sharing our wines with people. It is so much fun and makes all the hard work worth it!

Meet Our “Family”:

  • Tom & Jackie Farinha


  • Frank Farinha


  • Shana Farinha


  • Christin Kearns

    Event Coordinator